Review Faster

Improve the quality of your drafting and speed up third-party document review.

Check your definitions

No more errors in your definition lists! Let your AI assistant find both missing definitions and unused defined terms in your document. 

Ensure consistency between capitalised terms and definition lists

Easily jump to a definition, wherever you are in the document

Supported for 27 languages

Eliminate drafting errors

Make perfect legal documents the norm — not the exception. ClauseBase spots inconsistencies and mistakes in your document before they do any damage.

Spot clause cross-reference errors

Catch internal drafting notes before they are sent out

Find hard-coded paragraph numbers

One-click contract reviewing

ClauseBase leverages cutting-edge AI to check third-party documents against your client or organisation’s priorities.

AI-powered red flag review

Fully configurable priority policies

Let AI annotate, highlight or replace incompliant clauses

AI-powered document querying

Instantly surface valuable insights from even the largest contracts.

AI assistant scans documents and answers your questions, providing sources for its findings.

Semantic search helps you find what you’re looking for — even if you don’t know the literal keyword.

See it in action